Very Rev. Fr. George Taweel

Very Rev. Fr. George Taweel


The Very Reverend Father George Taweel, MTh is Pastor at Holy Cross Church Palmdale, CA, and former Assistant Pastor of St. Nicholas Antiochian Cathedral, Los Angeles.  His ministry spans 37 years. He holds a B.A. in Music Education, is a graduate of the St. Stephen’s Course and the Antiochian House of Studies. He earned a Master’s Degree in Applied Orthodox Theology from the St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, Balamand University.

As an entertainment veteran with 50+ years of experience as a Producer, Director, Writer, he has completed over 500+ programs, garnered 126 creative awards (including an EMMY®), has had programs exhibited in 80+ countries, produced projects which spawned 100+ licensed products, and entertained millions in live venues.  He is an expert in multi-platform / transmedia properties, family programming and faith-based content.

In the world of faith-based media, Fr. Taweel produced “McGee and Me!”, “Secret Adventures”, “The Kids’ Ten Commandments”, “The Crippled Lamb”, “The Legend of the Three Trees” and others.  He was the Founding Show Director of the Catholic Television Network: Heart of the Nation,  Founding Board member of the Catholic media ministry of the St. Damiano Foundation, Board Member of Conciliar Press, Board Member of Pan Orthodox United, and Board Member of Mastermedia International, a ministry to entertainment professionals and companies world-wide.  Fr. Taweel also produced and directed the “Welcome Home” documentary and the annual National Media Prayer Breakfast

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