V. Rev. Fr. Hanania Hakimeh

V. Rev. Fr. Hanania Hakimeh



  • BS Sociology,
  • MS Anthropology,
  • MS Orthodox Theology of Marriage

  • Over 20 years serving as a Priest in the Antiochian Orthodox Church in Syria, Germany, and the United States
  • Currently, Pastor of St. Mary the Theotokos Antiochian Orthodox Church/ Murrieta, CA
  • Co-Founder and Co-Administrator of the Orthodox Family Center (OFC) a department of the
  • Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America
  • Professor of Sacred Music at the internationally accredited Antiochian House Of Studies (AHOS)
  • Recorded six CDs of Orthodox Byzantine Music as soloist and member of St. Romanos the Melodist Choir at the St. George Patriarchal Monastery (Hums, Wadi Al-Nasarah)
  • Translator for more than ten books and articles from English into Arabic
  • Officer and Advisor of the Educational Office of the Orthodox Youth Movement
  • Served three years as Chief Editor of the Antiochian Patriarchate Magazine (Alnashra)
  • Patriarchal representative for many International conferences and assignments
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