Pre-Marital Program

Program Details:

  • The first program of the OFC is a pre-marital curriculum, that addresses the Orthodox
    Christian spiritual and moral values that will help all couples to build a stable Orthodox family
    in which children may live in a loving and Godly environment.
  • The Pre-marital program is comprised of six basic sessions with additional supporting
    information and materials offered by the OFC. The sessions are primarily based upon biblical
    and patristic sources. Further, we use relevant contemporary resources that portray
    marriage life in applicable ways in order to build a House on the “Rock of Faith”.
  • When completed by the couple, this OFC pre-marital program will make them eligible to
    petition the Metropolitan for his blessing to proceed with the Sacrament of Marriage under
    the guidance and administration of their local Parish Priest.



The programs of the OFC are designed NOT to replace the local pastor, but to assist him
with the individual needs of the local couple as well as eliminating the multitudes of “this is
my teaching” problems that arise.

  1.  Couples fill out the OFC Application to Marry document

  2. Local Priest reviews and approves the couple’s Application and eligibility documents:

    1. Baptismal records
    2. Conversion
    3. Freedom of Marriage
    4. Prior marriage
    5. Separation
    6. Civil / Ecclesiastical divorce and Hierarchical permission
    7. Reinstatement / Permission to second marriage
    8. State marriage license
    9. Child custody, if any

  3. Once the Parish Priest approves their status to marry, he will notify the OFC of their readiness to start the Curriculum.

  4. Once the couple has successfully completed the Curriculum, the OFC will issue a Certificate of Completion to the Parish
    Priest and the Metropolitan. The Parish Priest will send his recommendation to the Metropolitan for his approval to marry.





OFC Curriculum Overview and General Introduction to the Program.
Orientation: Marriage in the Orthodox Church.
Canonical Regulations and requirements.


Orthodox Theology of Marriage Part #1
Topics to be taught will include, but not be limited to:
• Creation Male and Female.
• Eve – Helper Suitable to Adam.
• Mankind was fashioned handsome & beautiful.
• The two shall be one flesh.
• Fall of Adam & Eve.
• Bodily Marriage.


Orthodox Theology of Marriage Part #2
Topics to be taught will include, but not be limited to:
• Blessing of the Old Testament Main Figures.
• The Ring in the Old Testament.
• Wedding of Cana & presence of Jesus.
• Christ is the guide of Bride and Groom.
• Micro and Macro Church; the “community” of marriage
• Candles, Co-joining of hands, Crowning, Kissing


Conflict resolution skills, tools & means.
-Good communication as the foundation for an Orthodox Christian marriage.
-Compromise in decision making.


Family Management
Family Management Skills.
Family planning and organization.
Raising Godly Children.
- and many other topics

Financial Management & Stewardship
-Create a financial plan
-Agree about who is responsible for managing finances and paying bills.
-Combine financial accounts
-Trust your spouse with your money
-Agree whether both of you should work.
-Discuss types and amount of insurance to carry
-Discuss savings, investments, and retirement planning.
- and many other topics


Biblical Stewardship

-Stewardship is a sacrificial offering in thanksgiving for God’s love.
-Your time, talents, and treasure are God’s gifts.
-Sacrificial giving should permeate your total being.
-Trust that your offering will make a difference in people’s lives.
-Stewardship is a spiritual ministry helping the Church be a channel of grace to others.
-Good stewardship transforms your philanthropic action into a God-like charity.
-Give cheerfully to charity and the Church.
-Seeking Spiritual Guidance.
-Summary & Preparation: Final Course Review
-Question and Answers


• Standard Legal boilerplate, copyright information, indemnification
• Liability insurance & Directors insurance
• Disclaimer
• All who use this material indemnified. Priests, etc.
• Couples sign legal waiver as a condition of enrolling in the Program

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