About Us


The OFC is a department of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. that was created with Metropolitan SABA’s blessing and in collaboration with the Antiochian House of Studies (AHOS), is ready to implement a unified and approved marriage and family curriculum that reflects the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church based on the Antiochian Tradition.


Further, the OFC will provide consistent educational and spiritual programs with the goal of building and sustaining healthy Orthodox relationships, marriages, and families for the Kingdom of God and the Antiochian Archdiocese.

OFC programs, as mandated by the Metropolitan, will be a valuable resource for families throughout the Archdiocese by initially creating approved pre and post marital programs, materials and seminars.

General Information

These programs, mandated by the Metropolitan, will be valuable resources for families throughout the Archdiocese by creating approved pre and post marital programs, materials and seminars.

The Archdiocesan pre-marital program addresses the Orthodox Christian spiritual and moral values that will help all couples to build a stable Orthodox family in which children may live in a loving and Godly environment.
This program, when completed by the couple and approved by the Metropolitan, will make them eligible to proceed with the Sacrament of Marriage under the guidance and administration of their Local Parish Priest.

The Advisory Board, appointed by the Metropolitan, is comprised of experienced and expert individuals who will create and teach the subject matter.

  • Michel Najim, PhD – President of AHOS
  • Hananiah Hakimeh, MS – OFC Administrator
  • George Taweel, M.Th – OFC Co-Administrator
  • Dr. Maggie Hock, PsyD
  • Fadi Rabbat, PhD – Dean of AHOS
  • John Shalhoub, PsyD
  • Isaiah Gillette, D.Min
  • Paul Olson, BA
  • John Fenton, M.Div, STM
  • Fr. George Morelli, PsyD (deceased)
  • Michel Najim, PhD – President of AHOS
  • Hananiah Hakimeh, MS – OFC Administrator
  • George Taweel, M.Th – OFC Co-Administrator
  • Dr. Maggie Hock, PsyD

We have engaged with other experts in the field to augment the deep resources
of the OFC.

  • Hans Jacobse, Founder of the American Orthodox Institute, Author, Seminar presenter
  • Philip LeMasters, Ph.D, Professor, Author
  • Deborah McNary, Masters’ candidate. Counselor, teacher
  • Erik Hadden, Master Therapist
  • Summer Kinard, M.Div, Th.M, Special Needs family expert, author

And others who are in the process of joining the OFC Boards.

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